Wednesday, April 16, 2008

London, Normany, Paris Vacation

Our trip overseas this past Easter was a nice retreat from the hectic life of home. It was a very relaxed trip....very well planned by Susie at Associated Travel here in Lafayette. We slept late when we wanted, only "booked" a few things and spent most of our time leisurely walking/driving around the cities. Caleb, wanting to feel that "independence" that comes with being 17, had a blast. He proved to us that he is going to do quiet well when he leaves for Army military service this coming June. He quickly learned the transportation systems, how to read the maps and by looking at his pictures, he didn't miss anything!

Caleb's first taste of "different" cultures started in Houston!

We started off in London with no "language barriers" although there were some "catches." We quickly learned that "chips equals french fries" and there are no elevators in London....they're called lifts. And pubs are not just for drinking; in fact, they are for eating and/or drinking or both! London also boasts of being the home of the LONGEST escalator in the world! It's located in one of the Tube tunnels. Our ride on the London Eye was very entertaining. We met a nice couple from the countryside who were bringing their children, probably about 12-14 yrs of age to the city for the first time! (They felt the city was not a place for young children). I thought that was interesting.

Day waited for the London Eye camera and took this photo! It was hilarious! They actually had it posted on their screen for us to purchase! :-)

We took in a medival dinner one evening that had good food and great entertainment. Day and I were chosen as the Lady and Gentleman for our table, which meant we had to wear these red robes and do a bit of dancing! There was lots of singing and "threats" when we didn't follow the rules, like banging on the table for the next course of food! Great time!

Of course, the highlight of our visit in London was attending the play, Mama Mia! The play was written by the men of the group Abba and only their music was used. Day really likes Abba (of course, they are from Norway area!) so this was a real treat! We had GREAT seats....3 rows from the front!

So off to Paris.....and of course, something had to happen. It SNOWED in London and our flight was canceled! First flight canceled due to snow at that time of the year in 10 yrs! We were finally able to get out on an afternoon flight but that put us getting in to Paris at night-time. Thank God Day brought the TomTom GPS! It took us right out of the city and straight to our hotel in Bayeu! Mind you....we get there at 11pm! Caleb quickly heads out and finds an open pub....meets a guy from Wales, another one from West Virginia and two from Australia! I was really surprised as Bayeu is a very small villiage! The boy has social skills like his mom! Our two days in the Normandy area were awesome....we had a taste of the countryside and quickly realized we love this more than the "cities."

Church in St. Mere Eglise (sp?)

Caleb really enjoyed his time here...this is where he always wanted to visit, considering his Grandfather was part of the war and a WWII Purple Heart Veteran. It was a very sombering experience....being on the grounds where so much blood was gain FREEDOM of the people there! (So when you see an American soldier, no matter what you think about the current politics of the war...remember, the SOLDIERS are there to protect OUR freedom and could care less about politics!) It was amazing to see many "war" items still there...the craters from the bombs, some of the old war bunkers....very erie!

After Normandy, we returned our rent car in Caen and took the train back to Paris, where Caleb enjoyed another city experience. Day and I returned to the Eiffel Tower and went to the top this time! And I caved in and purchased a little "blinking tower" from one of the street vendors. Caleb enjoyed a nice evening with his Uncle Bruce and Aunt Rimma and his two cousins, Adrien and Chaumil. He had met his Uncle Bruce twice but had never met his other relatives there. They live in Paris, where his Uncle teaches English at one of the universities. It was a great gift for him! We stayed on Rue actual Parisian neighborhood. On this street, there were two hotels, banks, grocery stores, fruit/veggie markets, butcher shops, cheese shops, wine shops, a few restaurants, a dry cleaners....everything you'd need. You probably would never have to leave this 4-5 block neighborhood if you choose....its all self-sufficient!

Caleb's "illegal" picture of the Mona Lisa!

Caleb's family in Paris...Chaumil & his girlfriend, Uncle Bruce, Aunt Rimma & Adrien.

The Cheese Shop on Rue Cler...have you ever seen so many different kinds of cheeses in one little room???

View of Rue Cler from our hotel room.

Our return home was uneventful....things went smoothly and we arrived home with a few days to rest before having to go back to work!

Life is good!

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